The Ray of Justice

Victim-Centered Representation   |   Legal Concierge Services   |   The Healing Portal

A Voice for Those Who Don’t Have One

Dedicated to helping YOU heal and obtain justice.

The Ray of Justice Legal Services & Holistic Care educates, empowers, and advocates for Survivors.

The role of a Victim Rights Attorney is to advocate for crime victims throughout the criminal justice process. The Ray of Justice advocates for justice and opens the door to your healing.

Rachel W. Robinson, BLS, MPA, JD

Washington University in St. Louis School of Law

The Woman in Your Corner

Meet rachel w. robinson, esquire

The Ray of Justice was founded by former veteran prosecutor Rachel W. Robinson, Esquire.

Over the course of her career, Ms. Robinson has witnessed the difficulties that victims encounter as they are forced to navigate the opaque criminal justice system in the midst of trying to heal from their trauma.

Now, she has the honor and privilege of ensuring that victims’ voices are heard throughout the legal system.

The Ray of Justice Legal Services and Holistic Care educates, empowers, and advocates for Survivors pursuant to the Victim Rights Act. In addition to Victim Rights Advocacy, we represent survivors in Family Law and Criminal Law. Clients are also connected to holistic care modalities through our Monthly Healing Sessions. No matter what happens in court, if the mind, spirit, and soul are not healed, there can be no justice. 

Our Services


Legal Representation

  • The role of a Victim Rights Attorney is to zealously advocate for crime victims throughout the criminal justice process. We attend hearings, assists in obtaining financial restitution, and more.

  • Transparent Flat Fee structure so that there are no surprises for the client and so that we can focus on providing the top-tier service that our clients deserve.

  • The attorney is the point of contact so that the client can focus on healing rather than the retraumatizing feat of dealing with the criminal justice system directly on their own.


Legal Concierge Membership

  • With this membership, our team of experienced attorneys will be available to provide legal guidance, answer questions, and offer advice on a wide range of legal issues.

  • Such as priority scheduling on consultations, discounts on hourly rates for more extensive legal services, and document review and drafting included.

  • So that you can choose the degree of legal assistance you require for your unique needs.


Healing Portal

  • Our Healing Portal Membership is designed to support you on your journey to healing and wellbeing.

    As a member, you'll have access to a range of resources that will help you prioritize your mental and emotional health. These include guided meditations, virtual support groups, and wellness workshops led by experienced professionals.

  • Our Healing Portal Membership is perfect for anyone who wants to take proactive steps towards self-care, and for those who are looking for a safe and supportive community to connect with. You'll have access to exclusive content and opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to wellness.

  • Watch live as we stream monthly healing sessions with healing professionals, or rewatch past episodes on our portal.

Contact us for a Complimentary Consultation

  • "Ms. Robinson was extremely clear and concise in relaying legal information to me and ensured I understood what was communicated. She was thorough, professional, and incredibly easy to talk to. She was the first attorney to give me the time of day! After a few rejections from other firms, I had given up…I wish our paths had crossed earlier but I feel so fortunate to have been able to work with her and would not hesitate to recommend her services to people who are constantly revictimized by the judicial system and pressured to believe it is fair.” 

    C. Garcia, Victim Rights Client

  • “Rachel was wonderful and realistic. She really made me feel like I had someone finally in my corner.”

    Dalia P., Victim Rights Client

  • “Rachel was a blessing. She really made me feel heard.”

    D. Lozano, Victim Rights Client

  • “I felt Rachel was empathetic, understanding, yet gave me confidence I had not experienced before. Her demeanor inspired hope other attorneys had always discouraged. I felt totally understood in my experience. She knew exactly the issues and setbacks victims face in the legal system, yet instilled confidence to over come them.”

    A. Dailey, Victim Rights Client

  • “I think the idea of a Legal Concierge is amazing. Besides her understanding of law and the courts . . . in my experience, Rachel HEARS me. She gets it. She gets my fears and concerns, and she helps me understand the legal experience which is extremely stressful and unfamiliar. She is a guide through the process informing and helping me understand what is going on and she guided me to get what it is that I wanted. Rachel is so supportive and kind. She is empathetic and yet, is aware of keeping things separate enough so that she doesn’t get drawn into the drama. That’s rare in any profession and in one that causes so much stress in your clients, it is crucial to being an excellent lawyer.”

    K. Kaelin, Legal Concierge Client

Media Features

Check out Rachel’s recent media appearances, podcasts, articles, and more.